The Best Local Installer Network
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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Best Local Installer Network?

It's an independent advisory set up to raise quality standards in the home improvement industry by monitoring the performance of contractors and providing lifetime protection for customers.

How will you check my project?

We'll talk to your contractor either before the work starts, or whilst it’s going on, or after the project has been completed, and we may even conduct a brief inspection too.

What is a Lifetime Warranty?

It’s a service agreement between us and you that provides free repair and replacement services for life on the work carried out by your contractor. You can find out more and read the full terms and conditions at

Do I have to pay anything to you?

We don’t charge for our services but we will process your payments to the contractor if the work hasn’t yet been completed.

There are three good reasons why we do this:

  • It ensures that the contractor engages with us.
  • It encourages the contractor to take extra care in their work.
  • The contractor will know that we won’t release the payments until the project has been completed satisfactorily.

Is what you do really free?

Yes. There's no charge to you for any of our services.

How do you get paid?

We’re always on the lookout for skilled contractors to add to the Best Local Installer Network, and checking the work carried out in customers’ homes affords us the perfect opportunity to do this.

When contractors join us we provide them with ongoing marketing support in return for a modest commission on the work they do.